
Art Winners Named in Dudley, Eliot Exhibits

Winners in the Eliot House and Dudley Hall commuter art exhibits held in late November and early December have been announced by the board of faculty judges composed of Professors Couant, Deknatel, Pope, and Carpenter.

Commuters named were: A. S. Cavallo '48, R. A. Fitzgerald, Jr. '46, Sewell Guild '45, John H. Murray '41, and Steven J. Stadler '48; while Eliot House men cited were: Edward W. M. Bryant '50, G. H. Montgomery '45, D. G. Outerbridge '46, S. Spielberger '49, John M. Teem '50, and Louis A. Williams '45.

When the final winners in each of the University art exhibits sponsored by the Houses, Yardlings, and Commuters are determined, a showing will be held in the Fogg Museum after the Christmas vacation.
