"I'm dead against it," was the typical reaction in an informal poll last night of girls at the Boston-vicinity colleges to the edict issued by Gen. Joseph T. McNarny yesterday permitting G.I.-fraulein marriages.
Although none of the young women were exactly up in arms, many felt that it definitely, did not ameliorate their marital chances. "Can't they wait until they get home," asked Misa Mary Jo Kindig, Pine Manor '48. "There are three million extra women in the states right now, and I'm one of them.
"I don't like it," said Miss Virginia Richie, Wellesley '48. "It hints they may have something we don't--maybe it's hominess.. Look at Mariene Dietrich--she's certainly the homey type."
Miss Jean DeBeer '47, however, disagreed with her schoolmate. "They haven't anything we haven't got-they just have more of it. But we have something they haven't got: (sotto voce). We know how to speak the boys' language," are purred.
"High disapproval" was expressed by miss Sally Hamilton, Garland '47. "Sure it's all right for German women. Look at the rut they're in ever there; and they all know that Americans are suckers anyway, she said.
Only vote of approval came from Miss Sunni Lober, Sargent '48. "Wonderful," she exclaimed. "Think of all the frauleius they will make happy."
Asked to comment, Mrs. Brewer Black-all, Publicity Director at Radcliffe, apologized, "I'm sorry I can't--not in my position anyway." One of her charges, however, Pat Durham '48 said, "At least it will make honest women out of one third of the Frauleins."
Chimed in ex-Wac Nastalthia Smythe-Heatherstone, Radcliffe '44, "But natch, I mean after all, I mean really. What am I supposed to do--go back to Germany to find a husband?
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