Struck by a black sedan which dragged him 20 feet before coming to a stop in front of the municipal fire house at Cambridge Street and Broadway, Robert K. Leavitt '50 of Stoughton Hall suetained minor head and leg injuries yesterday evening.
Crossing the intersection from Memorial Hall at 6 o'clock, Leavitt was hit by an cast-bound car drivan by Robert Wood, of Cambridge, who told police that he could not see Leavitt until it was too late to avoid an accident. Wood said he swerved to the left in an effort to by-pass Leavitt who could not explain why he had not seen the vehicle.
Firemen from the station quickly lifted the unconscious Freshman to an emergency truck which rushed him to Cambridge City Hospital. Later in the evening, College authorities transferred the 32-year-old ex-Marine to Stillman Infirmary, where his condition was reported as "very good." at 8 o'clock.
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