
Budgeting Tackiest Cement of Marriage, Says Stapleton

Finance Expert Offers College GI's Tailor-Made Exchequers Cut to Fit Individual Needs

Money may not be the only cement to make G.I. matrimony stick, admitted Mrs. Eisio-Stapleton, marriage-counseling budgeteer, at the beginning of her talk to the Law Wives' Club yesterday afternoon.

But proper management, she hastened to emphasize, is one firm step over the perilous threshold, whereby the bride can help to support the groom.

Mrs. Stapleton, budget advisor for six years at Gimble Brothers and at Wanamaker and Sons for five is currently touring the College to see how married veterans manage room and board on the Government's $90 a month and how they can stretch it to cover "a little extra living."

Asked how the GI's were doing on their limited funds, she answered, "They don't". Without war savings, support from home, or money earned by their wives, it would be imposible by her calculations for them to stay in college.

Vets Still Have Fun


"Although they don't have as much money as many that I have helped in New York," she continued, "they have much more fun. Cambridge is the best place I know of to be poor in."

No mass production budgeteer, Mrs, Stapleton custom-builds her accounts from the family's individual needs and interests. Over 12 years of experience and 35,000 budgets have convinced her that it isn't the amount of money that counts most for happiness, but the way it is used.

A person who can afford $10 for a good time but pays $20 for it, by her standards, is buying nothing but $10 worth of unhappiness and worry. She implied that love can conquer all, however, including budget troubles.
