
Bradford Backs AVC Mass Rally On Rent Control

Anxious to focus community-wide attention upon the "grave need for maintaining rent controls" and the importance of an articulate public opinion on that issue, the Harvard and Cambridge chapters of the American Veterans Committee will sponsor a mass rent control rally Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock in the Rindge Technical High School auditorium.

Announcing a slate of speakers, Stanley G. Karson '48, chairman of the event, stated he had received a letter form Governor-elect Robert F. Bradford '23, in which the latter publicly endorsed rent control for the first time.

"I wish to see the war powers of the Governor removed at the earliest possible opportunity;" he wrote, "but in the event that Federal rent controls are removed, I should want to have a state law, as is applicable in New York, ready to take the place of the Federal controls on rents. As things now stand, there is no question in my mind that there must be continued control in this area for a considerable time to come."

Karson said that the full text of Bradford's letter, as well as a statement in favor of the AVC policy from Provost Buck, would be read at the meeting.

Speakers on the agenda include Harold Robinson, of the New England Regional Council, National Housing Agency; Justin Feldman, national director of Veteran affairs of AVC; representatives of Governor Tobin and the OPA; and an as yet unnamed member of the University's Economics faculty.
