
House Sports Council Elects two Officers, Studies Cup Proposal

Members of the Inter-House Athletic Council last night elected William S. Harrison '43 of Kirkland House and Scott Carlisle '46 of Leverett House as President and Vice-President of the Council, respectively, in meeting held in the Dunster House Common Room.

Composed of the senior athletic secretaries of the eight Houses and Adolph Samborski, intramural athletic director, who acts as secretary, the Council considers all affiars affecting inter-House atletics, and reports to the Committee on the Regulation of Athletic Sports through its representative, Charles F. Rabenold '47 of Adams House.

Competition for Harkness Trophy

After elections, the Council considered the rules proposed by Yale for this year's Harkness Trophy Competition. The trophy is presented competition between championship intramural teams in football, basketball, hockey, crew, baseball, touch football, soccer, swimming, track, squash, tennis, and golf.

Under discussion was the classification of major and minor sports and the point awards for each. Tentatively, the winner of the first five sports listed will receive five points, others three, with the status of squash, swimming, and touch football in doubt.


Eligibility rules for intramural comptition were also debated, especially the question of former Varsity letter men no longer on the squad and transfer students who played on varsity teams for other colleges.

Samborski concluded the meeting by announcing this term's intramural basketball schedule, which follows: Date  Time  Game  Court Dec. 13  3:00  Winthrop-Dudley  1 Dec. 13  3:00  Lowell-Dunster  3 Dec. 13  7:00  Kirkland-Adams  2 Dec. 13  7:45  Leverett-Eliot  2 Dec. 16  3:00  Dudley-Dunster  1 Dec. 16  3:00  Adams-Leverett  3 Dec. 16  7:00  Eliot-Winthrop  2 Dec. 16  7:45  Lowell-Kirkland  2
