
Gridders Place Ninth Nationally in Defense; Third Against Rushes

Coach Dick Harlow's 1946 eleven, already idel for more than two weeks, popped up in the football headlines again yesterday by placing ninth in the country in total defensive play and third in rushing defense in the statistics compiled by the National Collegiate Athletic Bureau, according to the Associated Press.

With an average yardage of 170.7 yielded per game to rushes and passes, the Crimson ended the season barely nosed out for eighth place by 1.2 yard sby Mississippi State and finished a full 5.3 above Texas.

In rushing defense alone, the Crimson line, employing myriad Harlow defenses, was dented for an average of 75.4 yards per game, 17.5 behind the leader Oklahoma and nine behind Mississippi State.

Three of the nine Varsity opponents this fall found niches in the gridiron statistics Hall of Fame, Yale placing three times and Holy cross and Princeton each once. The Elis were eighth in total offense, eighth in rushing offense, and seventh in rushing defense. Holy Cross, for the second straight year, topped the nation's pass defenders and the Tigers rated ninth spot for passing offense.
