
-:- THE MAIL -:-

To the Editors of the Crimson:

As a choice for President of the United States in 1948 I would like to propose Harvard's President, James Bryant Conant.

Our presidents in the past have been drawn from many different walks of life. Military heroes, Indian fighters, business men, and politicians have had their day in the White House, Now, in this modern age, when the peace of the World may well depend upon the wise control and development of atomic energy, we need a first-rate scientist.

President Conant is known as a scientist and educator all over the World. As chairman of the National Defense Research Council, he played a dominant role in the development of the atomic bomb, which brought World War H to a closs. As President of Harvard and as Chairman of the N. D. R. C., the organization which controlled and promoted most of the scientific progress during the war.

I do not know what President Conant's party affliations are, nor do I know wiht certainty that he is interested in the job; but, whether he is a Democrat or a Republican, his scientific accomplishment, his demostrated executive ability, his talent for working with people, and his liberal views and democratic ideals qualify him eminetly; and I believe he would capture the imagination of the American people as no other candidate could. Warren J. Greene '46
