
University Committee On Athletics Rewards 72 With Minor Letters

Seventy-two Minor H's were awarded to undergraduates for participation in Junior Varsity Crew, 150 Crew, Varsity Track, Varsity Lacrosse, and Varsity Golf by the University Committee on the Regulation of Athletic Sports at its meeting Monday.

These are in addition to the 32 Major H's for Varsity and Jayvee Crew, Varsity Track, and Varsity Baseball, which were listed in Thursday's CRIMSON.

The Minor letters awarded:


Minor Crew H: John Q. Adams '45; William R. Dowd '44 ocC; Arthur P. Hall '47; George A. Hall '47; Howland P. Hall '48, Captain; Frederic Harrington, Jr. '46; James Richard Holt '47; Charles Lipton '48.



Minor Crew H: John Q. Adams '45; William R. Dowd '44, ocC; Arthur P. Hall '47; George A. Hall '47; Howland P. Hall '48, Captain; Frederic Harrington, Jr. '46; James R. Holt '47; Charles Lipton '48; Francis E. Winslow, Jr. '47; Harry P. Haveles '48, Manager.


Minor Lacrosse H: Irwin M. Arias '47; Emera S. Bailey '47; John E. Baker '49; George W. Blanchard '44 ocC; Donald C. Borg '47; Lowell Chamberlain '49; Edward S. Dewey '47. co-Captain; Robert H.T. Dodson '47; William M. Ennis '44 ocC; Haus H. Eshn '49; Martin L. Frank '47; John C. Grady '47; James M. Graham 3rd '49; Ellis D. Hodge '49; Donald B. Louria '49; Richard M. Potter '46; Robert L. Richards '49; Frank Rohr, Jr '47; Russell C. Schubert '49; Jefferson S. Smith '48; Robert B. Snow, Jr. '49; Frank W. Trinkle '47; Gordon G. Wood '47, co-Captain: Frank C. Jessop '47; Robert B. Lange '49; John A. S. Cushman '49, Manager.


Minor Tennis H: Charles G. Benello '49; Arthur S. Ecker '49; Thomas E. Frothingham '47; William T. Kissel, Jr. '44 ocC, Captain; Murray B. Levin '48; William M. Mayleas '46; James S. Roberts '47; James S. Roberts '47; James R. Ware, Jr. '49; Edus H. Warren, Jr. '46; William H. Wightman '49; Norman L. Dreyer '47, Manager.


Minor Golf H: William H. Butler '46; James W. Hubbell, Jr. '45 ocC; Charles W. Mulcahy, Jr. '43 ocC, Captain; William F. Rickenbacker '49; Edward M. Tuckerman '43 ocC; Paul Coste '45 ocC, Manager.


Minor Track H: James M. Aldrich, 2nd '47; Robert A. Cameron '49; Edward G. Kaelker '46; Henry C. Kendall '49; Peter P. Morgan; Huna Rosenfeld '49; John L. Thorndike '49; Malcolm H. von Saliza '49; Clifton R. Wharton, Jr. '47; Frederic B. Withington, Jr. '45 ocC.

The Committee also voted to award the Major Crew H to John Quincy Adams '45, and a Minor H in tennis to Robert J. Cooney, Jr. '44, who managed the tennis team last summer
