
Karl Gruber, Jan Masaryk To Speak Here

New Student Council Committee To Feature Foreign Leaders In Series of Open Forums

Karl Gruber, Foreign Minister of Austria, will speak at an open forum in the New Lecture Hall on Tuesday evening, November 12, and Jan Masaryk, Foreign Minister of Czechoslovakia, is scheduled to speak early in December.

These programs, featuring leading members of foreign governments, have been arranged by the newly created Student Council Committee on International Affairs in an effort to stimulate interest in international problems at Harvard. They are being sponsored by the Student Council in conjunction with the Departments of Government and History.

Douglass Cater '46, Chairman of the Council Committee, announced that Clemens Heller 2G, had contacted these men and arranged for their appearances here. This is part of a policy, according to Cater, of bringing first-hand information on foreign affairs to the College.

Gruber with Underground

Gruber is in this country at present to negotiate possible admission of Austria into the United Nations. A leader in the underground in Tyrol during the war, he now heads the liberal wing of the Catholic Peoples Party in Austria and has been mentioned as successor to the present Chancellor. He was prominent in the work of the Paris Peace Conference, where the settlement of the minority problem in Tyrol was hailed by General Smuts as the "only successful arrangement which came out of the Conference." His work in the United States has been met with partial success already, with the recent endorsement of Secretary of State Byrnes of Austrian admission to the U.N.


Masaryk, son of Thomas Masaryk, famed father of Czechoslovakia, is head of the Czechoslovak delegation to the United Nations.
