
Crimson Debaters Lose To Two McGill Teams

Labor participation in the management of industry proved a stumbling block to two Debate Council teams last night, as McGill University won unanimous decisions in both halves of a simultaneous home-and-home debate on that question.

James B. Field '47 and Elton C. McNeil '49 defended a losing negative argument before an audience of 40 people in the Winthrop House Junior Common Room, losing to a Canadian team of Sherwin Raymond and James Hemmins. Raymond was named best speaker of the evening by the judging panel, which included Saul Wallen, former chairman of the New England War Labor Board, David Truman, visiting lecturer in Government, and Robert Watson of the staff of the Graduate School of Engineering.

At the same time Peter Klein '50 and Lucian C. Parlato '50 were unsuccessfully upholding the affirmative position in the contest at Montreal. Chief Justice Tyndale was among the judges at that debate.
