
WHCN to Carry Indian Grid Tilt

In its first step in the field of football broadcasting this year, the Crimson Network will broadcast the Dartmouth game tomorrow afternoon for the benefit of students staying in Cambridge this weekend.

Going on the air from the Dunster Street station at 1 o'clock with popular music the program will switch to Hanover at 1:50, where play-by-play announcers Gerry Weiler '49, and Lou Weinman '46 will take over.

WHCN is the only station broadcasting the game and their description of the grid battle will come by leased telephone wire and be broadcast through the Crimson Network and Radio Radcliffe exclusively. At the end of the game the local station will pick up and continue with cocktail music until 8 o'clock.

At halftime the amateur announcers will hold interviews from the Memorial Field press box, featuring Irvin M. Horowitz, the CRIMSON's Sports Editor and an Indian press representative, as well as other personalities from both Colleges attending the game.

Weller, Weinman, and Jerry Genn '48, production director have been watching the team during practice sessions this week in order to acquaint themselves with the players and some of Dick Harlow's plays and plans. Both Weinman and Weiler have had previous experience in announcing and spotting.
