
Zalles Heads AVC After, New Ballot

Elevating Reginald Zalles 2G to the post of chairman, the Harvard Chapter of the American Veterans Committee, now more than 700 strong, last night elected a new slate of officers for the coming year at a meeting in Emerson 211.

Russell Jackson 2L defeated Richard Axt '45, former chairman of the group, for the vice-chairmanship by a slim two votes. The key position of executive secretary went to Robert Wood '46.

In a strong statement issued immediately following the meeting, the chapter's 11 new officers and committee chairmen said:

Seek New Members

"We ask all student-veterans at Harvard to join with the present 700 members of AVC here in working for a vigorous, non-partisan liberal program. Recent events demonstrate the pressing need for active participation in the influencing of problems on the international, national, and college level. We need every veteran at Harvard to work for those progressive measures which are, in the long run, to the best interests of both himself and every citizen.


"We strongly back the United Nations as an instrument toward a World Government which will promote the economic welfare and the political security of all the peoples of the world equelly. Such an international policy which will maintain and further the great social gains of the last fourteen years. We believe that the veteran can only become a well-integrated member of his community if he is given a fair opportunity to readjust himself. His interests must be considered from a balanced view of the welfare of the community."

Karson, Sellers Chosen

Chosen as committee chairmen were Stanley Karson '48, National Affairs; Ed Finkelstein '46, International Affairs; Charles Sellers '45, Student Affairs; Irv Telling 4G, Veterans Affairs; Arnold Corrigan '47, Finance; and Bill Berman '46, Membership. Frank Haley '45 won the organization's support for delegate to the Greater Boston Area Council of the AVC. Selected for recording secretary was Bob Fishelis '50; and for treasurer, Phil North-way '46.
