
Fulbright Urges That Truman Resign 'For Good of Country'; Coal Shutdowns Come to Halt

Late Election News

WASHINGTON, November G--A revived GOP snatched control of Congress from the Democrats yesterday and suggestions arose immediately that President Truman resign to abildily the nation's leadership with a single party.

Republicans elected at least 23 Senators, 242 Representatives and 20 Governors. That gave them three more than a majority in the Senate, 24 beyond a majority in the House, and a man in 25 of the 48 state-houses.

Senator J. William Fulbright of Arkansas, a Democratic holdover, suggested that the Chief Executive appoint a Republican Secretary of State and lot him accede to the Presidency. He said it would be "the wisest thing" for the President to do and "the best thing for the country," since "only one party should control the government."
