
U.S., Britain Attempt to Adjust Big Five Veto Privilege in U.N.; Strike Settlement Move Hinted

U.N. Veto Discussed

NEW YORK, November 26-Secretary of State Byrnes and British Foreign Secretary Bevin searched in a secret bilateral sesson today for a method for minimizing criticism among the little nations of the big power use of the vote in United Nations decisions.

There was no indication of what progress, if any, was made. Nor was there any concrete evidence that Russia would budge from her position that the U. N. charter as drafted at San Francisco with its special privileges for the Big Five should remain unchanged.

The meeting followed by less than 24 hours a get-together between Byrnes and Soviet Foreign Minister V. M. Moletoy, generally interpreted by diplomatic observes as aimed at speeding the work of the Foreign Minister's Council.

From the meetings of today and yesterday stemmed speculation that Byrnes was pursuing a new policy of attempting to settle outstanding council disputes in private huddles before they are laid on the table for a general discussion among the big powers.

To some degree, this strategy was basic in the United States' proposal for voluntary modification of the veto power. This country, with support from Britain and China, suggested that the large powers attempt to reconcile their differences privately before issues reached United Nations Security Council for a public showdown
