Doused by the traditional toasts in the supply room of the Dillon Field House, John B. Judkins '47 of Dunster House and Piqua, Ohio, was appointed Varsity manager in a hectic post-Yale game atmosphere. The announcement was made to the assembled competitors immediately after the team left the field Saturday by William P. Hall '45 and Robert B. Palmer '47, this season's Varsity co-managers.
Judkins will manage the team starting with the end of this season and on through the end of the 1947 football schedule.
The six second assistant managers who were competing for the position of Varsity manager were Willard T. Daetsh '46, Dwight K. Nishimura '49, Gary Rapmund '49, Edwin R. Rooney '46, and George C. Warren '46, in addition to the successful Judkins.
Since September 28 the six have supervised the managerial tasks on the Varsity, Jayvee, and Freshman fields, and all of the contests of these teams. They have also done work with the H.A.A. when it was directly concerned with footfall functions.
Second in the competition, and therefore the new Jayvee senior manager is Dwight K. Nishimura '49 of Kirkland House and Berkeley, California. He will be in complete charge of the Junior Varsity team for the coming campaign. Like-wise George C. Warren '46 of Winthrop House and Birmingham, Alabama, who placed third, is now the Freshman senior manager for the next year.
Streamlined now to a three year basis, the managerial work begins with the freshmen who compete for six weeks in order to act as manager for the Yale-Freshman football game. Six of the most capable are then chosen after the short spring practice session to compete in the second assistant, or sophomore competition.
The background and experience derived from these two seasons of managing furnishes the candidate with the knowledge of University football needed in the Varsity managership.
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