
Bender Welcomes Vets To Conference Here, Lauds Record of AVC

Praising the record of the American Veterans Committee and terming it one of the most hopeful things that has come out of the war, Wilbur J. Bender '27, Counsellor for Veterans, welcomed more than 100 representatives from colleges throughout New England who met in Emerson Hall yesterday to discuss "Problems of the Student-Veteran."

Sponsors of the conclave were the AVC chapters of Harvard and Boston University. The conference's findings, following their compilation today, will be forwarded to the AVC National Education Committee to aid in forming a national policy for the organization.

Following luncheon at the Hotel Commander, the delegates exchanged views of the specific issues of "Inflation on the Campus," "The Challenge to Curriculum and Faculty: Revision of Teaching Methods and Shortage of Personnel," and "The Need for Expanding Physical Facilities." Bender led the discussion on the latter.
