
The Bar We Love So Well

NEW HAVEN--Nov. 22--More light was shed on Yale drinking habits today, when the New Haven police blotter this evening showed "three men from the local college" booked on two counts, "drunken assault and subversive activities."

Count 2, filed last, came after coroner Warren Wainwright analyzed the collective breaths of the three suspects, and declared that the evidence clearly indicated vodka. "We only had one glass apiece," said Witherspoon P. Pugh, Yale '50, in a guilty plea for clemency.

The first charge, which carries with it the greater peacetime penalty, was filed by Mrs. Lena Years, of 10 Hope Drive, She identified the trio as the men who had attacked her the previous day, insisting that "Fritzie," her Mexican hairless, was the gridiron mascot.
