
Durant Men Set To Defend Yard From Eli Tricks

"My men will be within earshot of John Harvard," said Aldrich W. Durant '02, business manager of the University, yesterday, promising he would spare no effort to keep the bronze of the tranquil Puritan from turning blue this weekend.

Reinforcements are being added to the usual lines of defense, he added, but he clamped the lid of silence on the location of his strong points and the precise nature of his special strategy.

Precautions are observed during every "big" football weekend, said Durant, and a double dose of the same is being ladled out from University police headquarters in Grays Hall. "The nature of security," he asserted, "is such that you don't advertise it." Durant intimated, however, that the Yard force is as prepared for Yale exuberance as Uncle Dan Beard would have been for a damp book of matches.

James Biggar, manager of caretaking, also labled Yard security top secret, but was clearly not inclined to fiddle while College grass plots burn. His men are primed for a repetition of the November 14 Yale commando raid on Princeton, which included burning a large "Y" on the lawn of the Nassau Inn.

Other feats of "the busy 25" Eli raiders on their Princeton operation were tieing up network communications and officials, painting the stadium clock blue, brushing a large blue "Y" on dormitory walls, and taking scoreboard numerals as trophies.


"No Pearl Harbor here," remarked Egbert V. Edgemont '50 yesterday, as he bolted all the windows of his ground floor Wigglesworth room in step with more official preparations.
