
Dance Committee Will Place 200 Tickets on Sale Today, Making Use of Union Wing Rooms

Two hundred additional tickets to Saturday night's College-wide informals will go on sale this afternoon as the result of a decision by the Inter-House Dance Committee last night to make use of three common rooms in the west wing of the Union for additional dance space.

In a meeting which lasted late into the evening, the Committee searched the files for possible sites of further dancing, with only the Union rooms considered a final possibility. The main Union dining hall was suggested as a desirable site, but University officials refused to permit its use Saturday night.

The added tickets will be placed on sale at 5:30 o'clock this afternoon, according to the Committee announcement, in the seven Houses, Dudley Hall, and the Union dining hall. They will be sold strictly on a first-come first-served basis.

With the last-minute enlargement on the docket, the Committee will have six different areas to police and prepare-for by Saturday, including Adams, Dunster, Kirkland, Leverett, and Lowell Houses, and Chairman Stephen D. Becker '47 of Adams House reported last night that he has prepared appropriate costumes for his fellow-chairmen.

Another sidelight on the activities of the Dance Committee became apparent last night in the disclosure by Becker that the results of the Friday afternoon contests between House and Yale College football teams would have little or no bearing on the dances.
