
Jayvees Romp Over Massachusetts Maritime Academy As Freshman Passing Attack Nips Brown by 28-7 Tally

Farrell and Fitz Stage 95-Yard Double-Reverse Touchdown March; Mosely Pass Clicks

Massachusetts Maritime Academy brought a band and at least 1000 leather-lunged supporters to meet the Jayvees Saturday afternoon on Soldiers Field, but the noise couldn't drown out the strains of Crimson victory in the nearby stadium, or the 39-0 triumph closer to hand. Someone doubtless forgot to pack the team with the instruments.

Dave Farrell, Bill Fitz, and various combinations and permutations thereof were just a little too much for the sailors. The two players hit pay-dirt twice on their own. In the opening minutes of play the Chief Boston equivalent of Tinker to Evers was uncorked for the first tally. Bucky Harrison's cold toe failed to convert, but it warmed to its work on the next three.

Lead 20-0 at Half

Worried no doubt, about the prospects of a tie, Farrell patiently waited until he got his hands on the pigskin once more, and taking a significant part in the down-field march, plunged over from the 25-yard stripe on a neat guard trap. To conclude the half, Tom Mosely pitched a neat aerial to end Bill Fitz to give the Crimson a 20 point lead.

The best was yet, however, for Farrell and Fitz, who, refreshed after the half-time pause, staged a 95-yard touchdown play which started from a double reverse, included a 45-yard pass, and an equally long sprint by the agile Fitz.


Fullback Red Hill bucked the next score over from the one-yard line, but tackle Ossie Kiever, whose defensive work had done much to render the opposition impotent, muffed the kick.

Quickly taking the ball on downs after the fracas was resumed, the Jayvees began to roll up mileage with embarrassing speed. The scoring honors on this run went to quarterback Stone, who took the ball on a sneak for the final score.
