
Conant Joins in Push To Place Radio Mike On Education Lectern

Education will take to the airwaves making armchair auditors out of greater Boston inhabitants, Ralph Lowell, trustee of the Lowell Institute, announced yesterday. President Conant, or David W. Bailey publication agent of the University, as his representative, will join the presidents of Boston College and University, MIT, Northeastern, and Tufts, in promoting joint broadcasts.

Established as a cooperative council, the new organization will present adaptations of college lectures over local stations, which have all endorsed the plan. Officials of the Lowell Institute consider the move a pioneer step in adult education, which "makes available to listeners of the New England area the unequalled cultural resources of its college and university members."

Although only in the formative stage, the prospected programs should be making inroads into the singing commercial in two to three months, according to Lowell.

Formerly in charge of educational broadcasting for the Armed Forces Radio Service, Parker Wheailey will assume directorship of the programming council, to lend the necessary technical advice George W. Slade, educational director of WBZ, Boston, has been secured, and will assume his duties on December 3.
