
Proposal for Merger By Democratic Action Group Vetoed By HLU

At a meeting last Thursday evening the Harvard Liberal union rejected a proposal of the union for Democratic Action for merger of the Union's activities with that of the Harvard liberal group. Meeting in Lowell Junior Common Room, some thirty members of the university group decided against joining the New York, London, Washington Acton group and once again pledged solidarity with its own affiliate, the United States Student Assembly.

In their decision to remain clear of the UDA., the Liberal union members expressed many and varied reasons for the rejection. The Democratic Action group was founded in 1941 and counts as one of its stalwarts, Reinhold Niebuhr, prominent theologian. The HLU has long been connected with the United States Student Assembly, with which it once more allied Thursday night.

This meeting followed the address by Professor C. F. Taylor of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
