
Naval Cruise to West Indies Isles Scheduled for Reserve Officers

Two opportunities for Naval Reserve officers to acquire sea time have been announced by Captain J. A. Glick, New England's Director of Naval Reserve. The opening for men aspiring for sea time while in inactive status will come in the proposed special cruise form Boston between January 30 and February 12, 1947.

This cruise will include the tropics and West Indies islands in its ports of call and will be scheduled depending on the advance interest shown by reserve officers in the New England area. All men who sign for this duty will receive full pay as commissioned officers while at sea.

Other opportunities exist for naval officers to serve on training duty ashore, with pay, between the same dates. These openings also are dependent on the amount of interest exhibited by naval reserve officers in this area.

Officers who are interested are requested by the Navy Department to communicate directly with the Director of Naval Reserve, Headquarters, first Naval District, 150 Causway Street, Boston 14. Applications are requested prior to the 18th of November.
