Coach Dick Harlow had a scrimmage scheduled for the "A" team yesterday, but he saw fit to use only three of his first-stringers in the contact drill against the Junior Varsity. Only Vince Moravee, Ned Dewey and John Florentine of the first eleven took part in the action, while the other probable starting team ran through a signal drill.
Moravee turned in a fine performance in the workout, gaining considerable ground on line smashes. The rest of the scrimmaging backs were Frank Miklos, Dave Farrell, Leo Flynn, Ralph Petrillo. Paul Lazzaro, Bill Henry, and Bob Cowen.
Unless unforeseen complication develop later in the week, it seems likely that the starting lineup against Brown on Saturday will be almost exactly the same as the one that was fielded for the Dartmouth contest. Ed Davis was able to participate in everything but the contact work yesterday, and should be ready for the Bruins.
Prior to the scrimmage, the Varsity worked on pass offense and defense and defenses against the Brown attack. Jack Fisher was an outstanding operative in the pass defense drill, and Tom Felt had a good day on the receiving end of Chip Gannon's passes.
Movies of the Dartmouth game, which the Varsity squad saw yesterday, revealed that three excellent blocks made possible Gannon's for shdown run in the first period. They were supplied by backers-up Emil Drvaric and Cleo O'Donnell, and by Wally Flynn on the wingback.
The pictures also added emphatically to the general impression Saturday afternoon that Jack Fisher had played remarkable defensive ball against the Indians. The Varsity center made a large percent-ale of the Harvard tackles, and his play in the last three Crimson games has stamped him as one of the outstanding centers in the East.
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