
Over the Wire

No Court Opinions

WASHINGTON, November 12--In its first post-election session, the Supreme Court failed today to hand down any decisions, and attorneys speculated that the new Chief Justice, Fred M. Vinson, may be having trouble restoring harmony among the tribunal's feuding factions.

However, the failure to announce a single opinion came as a surprise, inasmuch as the court had just taken a two-week recess for the purpose of preparing opinions.

It was the first time in years that the initial recess of the fall term was not followed immediately by decisions. On the comparable date last year there were eight opinions. In 1944 the number was five and in 1943 it was six.

There was no word from the court as to why it had no opinions ready on the flock of cases already argued, some of them going back to 1944. The Justices simply took their places on the bench, announced action on 92 petitions for review of lower court decisions, and resumed hearing arguments on cases already docketed.
