
Leo Flynn, Petrillo Return To Duty, Run in Scrimmage

Recovery of Tailbacks Gives Harlow Sub for O'Donnell; Flynn Sparks Contact Work

Ralph Petrillo and Leo Flynn, the two most doubtful members of the Crimson's injury list on Monday, returned to the Varsity lineup yesterday in shape for scrimmage, and Flynn's running was the offensive standout of a contact session between the "B" eleven and the Junior varsity.

Also showing to advantage in the day's long scrimmage was Frank Miklos, who made several long gains on inside reverses against the Jayvees. Earlier in the chilly afternoon, the Varsity worked on defenses against Brown plays as run by the Junior Varsity.

There have been no radical changes as yet in the Crimson's starting lineup, and yesterday's session was marked by the return of Ned Dewey to tackle. Dewey, who worked at the running guard post in last week's practice but was used at tackle against the Green, teamed with Howie Houston, since Ed Davis was busy with trainer Jimmy Cox. Davis is expected to be ready on Saturday.
