
Food Recipients Thank Students For Their Gifts

Acknowledgments from Austria Are Disclosed by Campbell


Coincidental with its sponsorship of Karl Gruber last night, the Student Council Food Relief Committee, through its co-Chairman Richard C. Campbell, Jr. '48, disclosed the receipt of several letters from Austrian students, thanking members of the College for their contributions which made vital gifts of food posble.

At the same time Campbell also revealed plans of the Committee for another food drive, to be conducted at the beginning of January. Although the details have not yet been worked out, he did disclose that this second food drive will gain money for food for students in the Far East, as well as in Europe.

The letters in general reflected the sentiment found in one, which said in part: "Your action brings real relief to those who need it most--survivors of concentration camps, members of the resistance movement, and the politically persecuted . . . We only want to assure you that every one of us greatly enjoyed the food stuff."

Commenting on the letters, Campbell declared: "It is interesting to note that letters of thanks point to the spirit of giving, as much as the food itself."
