
Council Will Support International Student Group; Studies Budget

With only 6 of its 11 members present at Phillips Brooks House last night, the Student Council's constitution committee voted to include participation in international student programs in the list of council functions and redefined policy on the PBH appropriation which annually dominates the budget.

The bare quorum on hand found little controversy in adopting into the constitution a paragraph pledging the council "to cooperate with student groups from other colleges on a national and international scale."

This marks the first definite statement of permanent support, both moral and finfiancial, for Douglass Cater's committee that has been working with similar student bodies for some months both in this country and at the Prague Conference last summer.

Turning its attention to budgetary matters, the committee set $2,500 as the minimum allotment to Brooks House from the funds taken in by the Harvard Service Fund at registration. This brings to an end the traditional practice of voting PBH an annual 45 percent of the council budget which in past years has fluctuated between $2,500 and $4,000.

On the agenda for Tuesday's meeting is the report of the subcommittee that has been studying amendment and ratification procedure. No date has yet been set for the report of the group's other subcommittee working on council membership.


Plans were also discussed for submitting controversial issues to a "straw" vote in the Houses in conjunction with open forums on the problems.
