
Soccermen Blow First Half Lead, Lose to Huskies

Ahead 1 to 0 at the half, the Varsity soccer team faltered in the second half and allowed a fighting eleven from the University of Connecticut to pull out a 2 to 1 victory last Saturday at the Business School Field. The Crimson dominated the play for most of the game, but an orthodox eleven-man defense effectively squashed must of the Varsity's scoring chances.

Late in the second period the Crimson broke into the scoring column when Phil Potter, playing center forward, took a pass from midfield, pivoted and drilled a line-drive kick into the far corner of the Husky goal from 25 yards out.

Early in the second half, the Huskies scored form a scrimmage in front of the Crimson goal, and form there on each team pressed even harder to get the winning marker. About 20 minutes later the visitors were successful when their right wing sprinted past the Crimson fullbacks to score on a pass from the other side of the field.

The lineup for Harvard was: Harshman, g.; Purinton, l.f.; Forster, r.f.; Blanco, l.f.; Ogden, c.h.; Mavor, r.h.; Corrigan, l.o.; Morse, l.i; Potter, c.f.; Lazarus, r.i.; Smith, r.o. Substitutes were Cate, Carswell, Dawson, and Snidor.

Freshmen Win 1 to 0


Harvey Mudd slanted in a penalty kick in the second overtime period to give the Freshman soccer team a 1 to 0 victory over Nichols Junior College. This was the eighth win of the season for the Yardlings against one tie and no defeats.

From the opening whistle the game was even in abut every respect, with both teams losing many scoring opportunities.
