LAKE SUCCESS, N. Y., November 11--Soviet Russia, in a long-awaited statement, roundly criticized Great Britain today for not offering a Palestine trusteeship agreement to the united Nations and simultaneously blasted the United States for holding "contradictory" views on trusteeships.
As Soviet Ambassador Nikolai V. Novikev finished his hour-long speech to the U. N. Trusteeship Committee, Great Britain, south Africa, and the united States immediately countered with off-the-floor statements denying the Russian allegations.
The United States flatly accused Russia of "constantly" preventing formation of a trusteeship council for the old League of Nations mandates.
John Foster Dulles, New York lawyer, who was advisor on foreign affairs to Republican nominee Thomas E. Dowey during the 1944 presidential campaign, and is the U. S. delegation expert on trusteeships, volunteered this statement to newsmen:
"At the London Assembly it was the Soviet Union which prevented the establishment of the Trusteeship Council in provisional form. During the nine months between the London Assembly and this Assembly, it did nothing in relation to the draft trusteeship agreements submitted to it, whereas the United States worked actively and with much success upon this matter."
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