
Crimson all-Americans Scalp Indians by Usual 23-2 Count

Eleven Indians bit the dust Saturday morning--and their scalps have now taken their places with trophies of other wins in the glorious tradition of CRIMSON football history. The game? of course it was the rugged tussle on the Hanover Common Saturday morning when 11 intrepid representatives of the CRIMSON whopped an outclassed Daily Dartmouth squad, 23 to 2, before 103,000 rabid spectators.

Nothing so meagre as the score, however, can serve to give a true measure of the CRIMSON's superiority which had the Hanoverians digging their noses into the sod again and again, until the once green playing field resembled a veritable pea patch. At the end of the game it was only the mercy of the winners, and the end of their large supply of spirits, that staved off complete humiliation of the Green.
