
Search for West Brings Police to Trails in Scollay

Hopedale Police Chief Thinks Missing Freshman's Farewell Note Single Opening in Case

Agents of the Hopedale police force were checking saloons in Scollay Square last night for "the little private bar" mentioned by Thomas H. West, Jr. '50 in a hastily scrawled message to his roommates found by them the afternoon of his disappearance one week ago. "It's the only lead we've got," declared Thomas F. Malloy, chief of the gendarmie of West's home town, last night.

Mrs. Thomas H. West, the missing Freshman's mother, affirmed last night that a tip yesterday, locating West in Montreal, was unproductive when checked. A business friend of the family was boarding a train from Montreal to Boston, she said, when he thought he saw "a boy acting queerly who conformed to West's description."

Not in Montreal

Upon his arrival in Boston, he quickly contacted Benjamin Draper, an executive of the textile company managed by West's father. Montreal authorities after speedy investigation established that the scent was false in a few hours.

Chief Malloy issued an appeal for the cooperation of the University's students. "They would know better than we ever could where West would spend a Friday evening," he was certain, as he stated: "We are counting on their assistance."


But roommates Albert L. Key 2nd '50 and David M. Key, Jr. '49, were still unable yesterday to furnish any positive information on West's favorite beer tap. "He always kept one of them completely secret from us," David Key admitted, "and we never were able to find out where it was."

In Hopedale Thursday

Police confirmed that West was in Hopedale Thursday afternoon, one day before he dropped out of sight, but that he saw neither of his parents. Malloy, however, said he had held a brief telephone conversation with him at that time regarding the new house his family is building. "He sounded normal to me," said the chief, "not at all like the amnesia victim that West's medical record might indicate."

West's mother, releasing a fact she hoped would be helpful in finding her son, said he was fond of browsing in art shops, and that he might retain this habit even if suffering from amnesia.
