
Record Law School Enrollment Expected

Enrollment in the Law School, as in other branches of the University, will be the highest in history this fall if the record load of 1,750 students expected to register for the term beginning the 21st of this month show up, Harrison S. Dimmitt, Secretary of the Law School, said last night.

Preliminary registrations of students now attending the Law School are completed, other registrations have been pouring in by mail, and some 375 first-term students are expected for the regular registration session from October 16 to 18, Dimmitt said.

In common with other branches of the University, the Langdell Hall population this fall will represent a wider geographical area than normally. It is expected that more than thirty states will be represented. Previous high enrollment was that recorded for the 1939-40 school year, when some 1,390 students were registered.
