
Four Men Added To Council Slate For Fall Election

Four names, all from Dudley Hall, have been added to the previous list of 27 nominees for six positions open on the Council, George I. Bell '48, Chairman of the Nominating Committee, announced last night.

They were: Seniors Robert B. Ogrean '44, Michael J. DeLeo '45, and James J. Sullivan '47; and Robert A. Curley '46, who is of Junior standing.

At the same time the 11-man Student Council Constitutional Committee held its second meeting and began consideration of three major problems in a three hour session last night.

The three issues discussed by the Constitutional Committee, were the problems of appointments versus elections, the house versus the class as a basis for election to the Council, and the question of Freshman representation. No final decisions were taken on any of these questions.

Find Common Ground


Agreement was general that many points favored elections by Houses, although it was seen that some aspects of House politics and elections might have to be improved. Thomas L. P. O'Donnell '47, president of the Council last spring and now in the graduate School of Arts and Sciences, sat in on the meeting.
