
HLU Unity and Action Asked by Rothschild, Bozman and Willner

Following the stormy session Thursday evening of the Harvard Liberal Union's opening organizational meeting, William Bozman '46, newly-elected president, and Don S. Willner '47, made statements yesterday calling for unity and an end of factionalism.

Bozman stated that, "the main task before the HLU now is to secure unity of action in the '46 elections. I believe that this can and will be accomplished."

Returning from an Army separation center just too late to attend Thursday's meeting, Willner declared, "The basic political opinions of the majority of the HLU have now been made unmistakably clear. The Liberal Union has never questioned how extreme the views of individual members were, but it has refused to be dominated by an extreme faction. I am sure, now that this policy has been made clear and the necessary action taken, that all members will work together in a liberal action program."
