
House Gridders Begin Practice on Offenses For Opening Contests

Intramural football hit full stride yesterday afternoon after several preliminary sessions of calisthenics and review of fundamentals, as many of the coaches branched out from basic running plays to work on spinners and laterals, and to develop a passing attack for the opening games October 14.

Boasting one of the largest squads on the field yesterday and styling them selves the dark horses of the coming campaign were the Funsters of Dunster House, under the tutelage of Adam Elcewicz, fomer Fordham player and coach of the Cambridge High and Latin School.

Kirkland and Loverett Look Good

Two other impressive aggregations were Kirkland and Leverett. The Deacons, under Pete Igo, Watertown High School coach, were already undertaking a razzle-dazzle lateral passing attack which got off to a ragged start but may bear future watching, while the Bunnies continued to stress fundamental blocking and running plays under former Pitt player Wilbur Newstetter.

Possible surprise starter of the approaching flag race may be the Mastodons of Eliot House. Still smarting under the Stigma of having a larger turnout for the chess team than for their football team, the Elephants were steering a middle-of-the-road course as Charlie Mains, former player for Boston University, put his charges through basic running plays studded with an occasional ringer.


Some Houses Seek Further Talent

Lowell and a large squad coached by former Boston College tackle Tom Thorne and may develop into a powerful club. Adams, Winthrop, and Dudley were hindered seriously by inadequate turn-outs, and coaches Bill Nolan, former Oberlin end and halfback, Winton Bigwood, onetime Harvard gridder, and Frank Frisoli, Crimson player before he took over a coaching job at Cambridge High and Latin, will have to go into their respective Houses to seek additional talent if they plan to field a formidable team on opening day.
