
Whirling Bill Shakespeare Chants Spectral High Praise Of Conant's Clan With Tourney at Hanover in Mind

Even the Bulldog Which Barks At Yale May Be Muzzled By The Crimson Gale

Zounds! As even the most erudite of Harvard professors forsooth must discover betimes, this fair young university finally shows signs which portend of pigskin prowess.

Perchance 'tis the influence of the coeds--sh-sh! who do not with official forbearance mingle with the eds in these hallowed halls, but whose positive ectoplasmic presences betimes detract from the learned words the profs present.

Perchance 'tis the influence of the combat veterans in Crimson doublets who have not as yet quaffed the waters of Lethe when it comes to truculence.

Be that as it may, all who trudge bareheaded a cross the Camp . . . Oops, Yard, and tarry in the shadow of John Harvard's statue, know that Fair Harvard has emerged victorious in four gridiron jousts, and the eager young bruisers of Dick Harlow will journey to Hanover town anon, with hearts hopeful of tripping the base football varlets of Dartmouth. Albeit, 'tis needful first that Rutgers do a deal of dying and little of doing come Saturday.

'Tis an occasion so auspicious perforce the dusty bones of the Bard of Avon must needs be rattled to sing the praises of the Crimson Clan. So with pro-foundest apologies and a low waist bow, let the loud Alarums sound.


Hamlet Harlow must needs pace in the pendulous air the Yard these autumnal nights, the Yard where many of the ancient trees have donned Fair Harvard's Crimson, though perchance by chance. The bloody leaves may have heard this pigskin Hamlet soliloquist somewhat as follows:

"To beat, or not to beat; that is the question:--

Whether 'tis nobler to suffer defeat

From the men of Dartmouth Green

Who fling passes and dash the ball;

Or to take steps against a sea of troubles,

And by opposing end them? To win;--to lose--

Perchance to devise some magic potion

Some gridiron trickery as yet unborn;

'Tis a consummation devoutly to desire;
