
The Mail

To the Editors:

Bad reporting is always a nuisance. When the Crimson on Thursday, October 24, in reporting on the AVC meeting of the previous evening, stated that I had "expressed faith in the motives of the Kremlin" the effect was completely to distort my position in the debate.

Few observers would be so bold as to give a carte blanche to the motives of either the Kremlin or the American State Department. I certainly gave no such assurance.

In condemning American support of reaction in Spain, Greece and China, it is not necessary to excuse Russian behaviour in Manchuria, intransigence in Germany and ruthlessness in the Balkans. If the choice has so often been between Communism and Fascism abroad it is because we have failed to support vital economic and social reforms and the democratic forces in these countries that would advance such reforms. My remarks were in support of an affirmative American foreign policy rather than the present negative program of "Stop Russia!"

It is difficult for a sleepy reporter to summarize faithfully a 10-minute talk in 10 words, but I suggest that if a job of reporting is to be done at all it be done honestly and intelligently. Sufficient evil is already being caused newspapers that employ sweeping generalizations. Certainly the Crimson would want to maintain a higher standard. Robert J. Koblitz, P.A.-2.
