
Varsity Harriers Will Tackle Tough Indians In Third Effort of Fall

Redmen Swamped Strong MIT, Tufts Squads in Last Tilt

In what promises to be one of the toughest meets of the season, the Crimson harriers will take on the Indians from Hanover at Franklin Park tomorrow afternoon. Still shy of a first victory the Varsity runners have been working long and late this week on the banks of the Charles.

Dartmouth seems to be well stocked with conditioned and hard-driving harriers, and last Saturday took Tech and Tufts into camp with a score of 32 to MIT's 39 and Tuft's 52. Star for the Green is one Joe Hanley who ran a close second to the record-breaking efforts of Jumboman, Ted Vogel. The Indians won the meet by placing 2, 3, 4, 10, and 13.

Coach Jaakko Mikkola is concerned with Dartmouth's show of strength, because his men ran second to the Engineers in the Pentagonal meet two weeks ago; but he is counting on a bigger and better showing from his five top runners this week.

Crimson Yardlings will go into action for the first time as a regular squad when tomorrow's meet gets moving at 3:45 o'clock on the hilly golf course.
