
Team Rated Top Defensive Eleven In National Poll

Holds First Four Opponents to 8.8-Yard Rushing Average; Drennan Stars in Scrimmage

Dick Harlow's 1946 eleven is rated the number one football team of the country defensively, but that didn't faze the coach yesterday as he put his squad through another day of tough physical workouts. With the B team scrimmaging the Jayvees on into the darkness and the probable starters running at full speed all afternoon, Harlow did not let up his drive aiming at the Holy Cross tilt Saturday.

Only striking development in yesterday's session was the rise of the Bob Drennan in the guard picture. After a sparkling performance with the second team in the scrimmage, Drennan was pulled up even with Nick Rodis by Harlow, who said he and Rodis now have an equal chance of starting against the Crusaders. Paul Shafer also did an outstanding job at fullback in the scrimmage.

A P Ranking

According to the Associated Press rankings, the Crimson eleven has held its first four opponents to an average of 8.8 yards per game on the ground, inflicting losses totaling 175 yards in those four contests as against gains of 210 yards. If the team can keep up this average in its remaining contests (and AP calls this doubtful), it will top the record set by Alabama last year.

The eleven leada in combined defense as well as ground with a net gain against it of 431 yards by rushing and passing so far, or an average of 107.8 yards per game. Of those 431 yards, 396 are from passes.
