
The Mail

To the Editors of the Crimson:

"Failure to work alongside the Communists... on limited short-term objectives...can only serve to weaken and finally split the liberal movement." Thus spoke the Crimson on October 7, despite the oft-demonstrated fact that the purpose of communists in joining liberal organizations is to turn htose organizations into pawns for communist objectives. Perhaps this point in itself does not give the Harvard Liberal Union, or any other progressive organization espousing democratic deals, moral sanction for driving Communist Party members from its ranks.

The objectives of communism, however, are sufficiently startling to make any make, no matter how dissatisfied with the present world, pause before carrying on the most unimportant task in conjunction with Communist Party members.

Nor can the implications of communist objectives be overlooked by liberals, no matter how greatly progressive organizations may need strength for the tasks ahead. For not only do communist members seek to control those bodies which they infest, but they are unable to give true allegiance to the goals of democratic progressivism.

Liberalism cannot succeed here in Harvard, nor can it succeed on a national scale, unless it protects itself from calculated communist infiltration. Those same communists who cooperate so admirably on certain short-term programs not only create a general distrust of liberalism among the American people, but will turn violently upon liberalism in every case in which it opposes the totalitarian communist program. Failure to drive the communists from liberal groups can only serve to imperil and finally destroy the liberal movement. Philip Rahn '49.
