
Poonmen Raise Chins Again As Ibis Takes to Old Roost

Dignitaries from all over called at 41 Mount Auburn Street yesterday to pay their respects to The Bird as it was turning a shade greener in the first drizzle to tickle its pin-feathers in many a moon.

W. Glover Rueter, Jr. '47, Lampoon president, greeting his well-wishers in his tiled anteroom, boomed expansively, "Our Ibis is back to stay--we made sure of that. We had it filled with special lead to keep it steady--three sheets to the wind, as we sailors say, Ha ha."

"All our best friends dropped in," the Number One Comic told the press later. "B, Horseshoes Rose, R. Cresson Harlow, A. Red Sheridan, and U. Press Flash had loads to say. For instance, 'Glad you got the Bird' and nice things like that."
