
1948 Class Committee Outlines Smoker Plans

In an effort to bring together the scattered Class of '48, a Smoker for all Class members is currently being planned for an evening between the Yale game and the Christmas recess, Arthur C. McGill '48, chairman of the temporary class committee, announced last night after a preliminary meeting.

Robert S. Leventhal '48, advertising manager of the CRIMSON, was elected chairman of the Smoker Committee. He stated, "The Class of '48 has been far from a unit from its date of entry, due to wartime conditions. The Smoker's aim is to pull the original men of the class, and those gained by transfers, together into an actual class, so that '48 will have a formal graduation with Class Day exercises and permanent class officers."

Members of the class who would like to work with the Smoker Committee were invited to leave their names with Leventhal at the CRIMSON Buildings.
