Fast Andover backs using an assortment of quick-opening plays defeated the Freshman football team 21 to 7 last Saturday at Andover in the opening game of the season for both teams. The Freshmen showed the need of more work as a unit as they individually performed well but lacked team play.
The Crimson scored first after a 45-yard march with Will Crompton bucking over for the score. Andover came right back and scored once in the second and twice in the third period. They got their extra points on two bucks over left tackle and a place kick.
Playing in a wind that made long kicking very difficult, the Freshman soccer team outplayed an defeated Andover 1 to 0 on Johnny Spivak's goal in the third period last Saturday at Andover.
Next week the Freshman football squad will seek its initial win of the season when it meets the Holy Cross jayvee team on Saturday.
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