

Plans for Construction of Own Boat house Projected

Plans involving the construction of a boat house for the Harvard Yacht Club, either on the banks of the Charles nearby or in the Basin, are in preliminary stages now, according to David M. van Buren '46, commodore of the club.

Van Buren, in defining the immediate aims of the club which have been approved by Dean Hanford, said that "we are working toward building up enough undergraduate interest to gain the support of the Faculty in approaching the alumni for the necessary funds."

Although the boat house will be an official part of University equipment, it will not be the equivalent of other buildings with athletic facilities, as the Athletic Department to date has refused to give credits for sailing. Van Buren says that the club will be open to all interested, and hopes it will include a fleet of about 20 12-foot racing dinghies.

Van Buren estimated that the cost of the boat house itself may exceed $10,000, while the boats may involve another $7,000, but he hoped that definite plans could be concluded by the end of the spring term, and that actual construction would start as early as next fall.
