
Faculty Lists Changes In New Term's Courses

Revision of courses to be offered for the spring term, with additions, changes, and omissions involving 101 subjects, was announced yesterday by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences.

English A-1a will be repeated. Other courses added are: Anthropology 32, culture processes; Biology 32, plant physiology; Comparative Philology 100, phonetics; Comparative Philology 140; Italic dialects; Fine Arts 3B, Greek Archaeology;

Government 12, party government in the United States; Government 29b, government regulation of industry; History 9b, history of Rome form 201 B.C. to 96 A.D.; Philosophy 10a, theory of knowledge; Philosophy 16, comparison of Indian and Western thought;

Includes Graduate Courses

Psychology 19, comparative psychology; Slavic 10b, elementary Russian; Sociology 4, social organization; Sociology 12, problems of population. for graduates there are: Chemistry 14a, natural organic products; Chemistry 50, fundamentals (not to count toward a degree); Chemistry 20d and 20g; physical chemistry;


English 140d, English romanticism; English 170f, American popular literature; English 170g, Jonathan Edwards; English 250d, Byron; English 300g, criticism and esthetics; Mathematics 19a, mathematical logic; Math. 31, conformal mapping; Math. 36, topological spaces;

Mineralogy 23b, seminar; Physics 26b, acoustic theory; Physics 27a, electric transmission networks; Physics 62, special topics in electronics and acoustics; Physics 70a, theory of elasticity; Physics 20j, theoretical physics; Psychology 110b, statistics; and Psychology 231a, seminar in social psychology.

Various changes have been announced in the following courses; Chemistry 2a to be repeated; Chemistry 2b to be given by Dr. Heymann; Chemistry 66 to be given by Professor E. B. Wilson, Jr.; Economics Aa, to be repeated; Engineering Sciences 1a and 7a, to be repeated.

The full four-year Army ROTC is being revived, with the addition of Military Sciences 3a to the basic two-year program. Changes in class hours or instructors have been made known in the following subjects, all to be given or repeated next term;

Forty Changes Announced

Physics Aa and Ba, Anthropology 11a, Chemistry 11a, Chemistry 11b, Engineering Sciences 16b, English 7b and 23b, Fine Arts G, Government 25, History 30b, Philosophy 1, Physics 4a, Portuguese 3, Romantic Philology 6, Psychology 10b and 21, Slavic 11b.

For graduates: Astronomy 5, Chemistry 13b and 17b, Economics 101a and 115b, English 300f, Fine Arts 18b, Mathematics 12b and 35b, Philosophy 200, Physics 23b, 24c, 25a, 23a, 25b, 28a, 30, 35, 41b, 44, and 61b, and Psychology 300.

Sixteen courses to be omitted are Naval Sciences 1, 2, 4, and 5; Anthropology 33, Geography 27a, History 48, Economics 12b and 63b, Chemistry 21b, English 120d, 240a, and 270b, Government 115 and 127, and Mineralogy 22b
