
Dan H. Fenn, Jr. '44 New Service News Editor; Lewis, Sturgis, Singer, and Noonan Will Assist

The Harvard Service News takes pleasure in announcing the election of the following men as its executive board, to take office with the beginning of the next term: Dan H. Fenn, Jr. '44 of Cambridge, as Editor; J. Anthony Lewis '48, of New York and Lowell House, as Executive Editor; John T. Noonan '47, of Brookline and Lowell House; as Advertising Manager; Robert S. Sturgis '44, of Waston and McKinlock Hall, as News Editor; and Monroe S. Singer '47, of New York and Adams House, as Sports Editor.

This board will serve during the interim period until the revival of the Harvard Crimson, on a date yet to be announced. Fenn replaces James G. Trager, Jr. '46, of Searsdale, New York and Lowell House, in the position of Editor.
