
First Big Foe, Holy Cross, Falls, 10-5, to Hockey Men

Icemen Chalk Up Six Goals in First Period

Elected Captain just prior to the game, Bill Ayres proceeded to prove his worth by pacing a comparatively inexperienced hockey team in its first game of the season Monday night against Holy Cross, scoring three goals and bringing the squad to a final 10 to 5 victory.

Breaking through all Crusader defenses in the first of three 20-minute periods, Coach John Chase's men piled up a total of six goals, three of which were made, unassisted, by Coan, Eaton, and Minot.

Eaton Sparkles

Eaton, who has just returned from duty with the Ninth Air Force, has lost none of the experience gained as a member of the Freshman team in 1941. He assisted Ayres in the second score of the match and sparkled throughout on the first line in left wing position.

Andrews, Minot, and Forte, who have been playing as a unit since the beginning of the year, showed up as a threatening Right Wing-Centre-Left Wing combo to all comers and played no mean part in keeping the Purple scoreless until the last five minutes of the second period.


Crusaders Perk Up at End

Unrelieved throughout the entire-game, Holy Cross's goalie, Soccorso, let the puck slip by twice in both the second and-third divisions. Kronoff of the visiting icemen perked up in the final period, scoring two points, one unassisted, through the valiant defense of John Knowles.

More confident now than after their two disastrous practice meets previous to the official opening of the season, the skaters play a return match with the Boston Athletic Association in the Boston Skating Rink on January 28.

On the intercollegiate docket for the near future are the "Big Three" games with Princeton on February 3 and Yale on February 9.
