To the Editors of the SERVICE NEWS:
Isn't it about time that you put a stop to the . . . odoriferous flatulence of the monomaniacal person who does your purported music criticism? It does not seem just and fair to permit a crank to vent this malignity time after time, especially concerning a subject which does not allow levity. Sarcasm, or the caprice of an ignorant and petulant fool. If your paper is governed by principles of decency and good writing, certainly there is no room for the sort of thing that we find in the most recent Music Box.
Sirs, if you have a conscience at all, you will see to it that . . . music criticism is put into sane and capable hands. (Signed) R. C. Taylor Dale S. Higbee. G. Norman McKinney J. G. Slam Charles M. Daley.
McKinlock Hall
January 8, 1946.
Ed. Note: The policy of the SERVICE NEWS in regard to signed articles and columns is to permit the fullest possible freedom of expression to the individual authors, who rink their own pride, reputation, and indeed, in some cases, necks. No exception to this policy has been made for the Music Box.
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